There has been a ruckus in the court. The judge brings down his mallet to mark his presence there. The plaintiff, a droopy looking being, is very tense as all eyes are on him. He has registered a case against the use of the expletive 'animalistic pleasure' by the defendant. It hurts his feelings very much. Moreover, the context in which the phrase has been employed by the defendant is incongruous. No such thing is happening in the fauna-world. The faunal shows a decency that the defendant refuses to honour and carries a rather parochial attitude towards them. The defendant, happens to be an odd figure in the court of law, is not nervous as he carries a lot of protective gear. The judges adjusts his spectacles with an air of self-importance and asks the plaintiff to present his views.
The plaintiff rises rather gingerly and ahems his gullet to produce a declamation to be heard by the huge gathering. 'My Lord, the gentleman standing opposite me, is accused of using a rather derogatory remark to bring defile on the whole faunal race. I think he uses the expletive to refer to such a filthy human behaviour prevalent among most of their species, of deflowering girls who has not even attained puberty and seducing them in an age at that they never understand what rape or sex is all about. I strongly condemn the usage. I agree that the masculine beings of the animal world resort to uncouth measures, while the circumstances trigger them to procreate. It is simply an urge due to changing levels of chemical compositions in their bodies. There is also a dearth of partners and the male species has to vie with others in finding a partner of its preference and channelise his pleasure urge. It is common in the animal world that the male has to fight it out to get the best of the partners. The feminine gender of the animal world has got a choice to choose their partner on the basis of capabilities that vary according to the species. I assert here that the human female does not even enjoy such a freedom. I would like to reiterate here that there has been subjection of female in the animal world at the time of making love. However i strongly assert that there has never been any case of juvenile raping in the animal world.'
"My Lord, you are a learned one. You know everything. The male of the species look for a triggering scent in their counter part. They themselves try to exude such a scent through urination by marking territories and spraying the liquid on odd objects. The male will be triggered only when it smells the scent that it looks for and any female that has not attained puberty has been treated with all reverence. I do not deny the fact that there has been a practice of homosexuality but the thing that is subjudicious here, i declare, is unheard of. With these words, i conclude my arguement, thank you." The plaintiff saunters back to his seat. It has been an unnerving experience for him as he a mutt has to contest a case against his own master. The defendant does not want to say anything.
Judge Hippo makes himself sure that there has been no cross examination and no more tirade from the defendant. He takes his pen and writes something. He finishes his act and begins pronouncing his judgement. "After hearing to both parties, the apex court of the jungle pronounces that the race of humans is forbidden, from now on to use the expletive that has been put to contest so far, to refer to the ugly act of humans that is not prevalent among the animals. I leave the human, as he happens to be the master of our plaintiff, with a reprimand. Any act of non-compliance to the law will be sternly dealt with in future. The court is adjouned for the day."
The master and the mongrel come out of the court and the master does not look the way he used to be. He stealthily puts his hand in his coat pocket and slowly unravels a hand gun. The mongrel expects a command from his master to go on. He gets a nod and goes near by and is only blinded by a point blank shot. The bullet pries his heart and he dies howling. The master wades through a huge gathering of animals wielding his weapon, unharmed.