I have recently visited a makeshift aquarium. It is not an aquarium in itself as it contains primordial tanks of gargantuan size and shape. All these tanks have water, full to their brim, and are used to breed and hatch fish of all varieties. The whole place stinks with live fish and the frogs, considered to be potential killers of breeding fish, sing with croaking tenor to exhibit their presence in the slosh nearby. It is a fine establishment of fish nursery as the owner has successfully established himself a fish tycoon. The place is haunted with potential buyers, especially children and teenagers who come, choose and pack the fish of their likings. As I was roaming around the place, i found two or three fish of different varieties swimming in more or less like a cesspit tank of water of a microcosmic size. I wanted to find out how they came in there, as a gutter disgorged its contents into that cesspit tank. Then on closer examination, i found a few fishes were swimming in the outlet passage of water from the cesspit tank. I was quite shocked to find a few fish floating on the surface of the water. As the gutter emptied itself to the cesspit tank, that had a very minimum capacity for the volume of water to be held in it, it was emptying the overfilled water into the outlet passage. As a few fish were fond of adventurism, they found themselves let into the outlet passage and suffocating. Some were in limbo, as they were dangling between the rim of the cesspit tank and the cascading water off it. On enquiry, i learned that they had escaped from their respective tanks while they were trawled for transportation to a different home. When i reported the fate of the fish to the employees and also to the owner, i found them giving a very casual reply as they were approaching the fish as commodity and not as one of life. I strongly believe that the buyers of fancy fish, for to be kept in aquarium, would share the same temperament and bent of mind. I felt nauseating not by the stench that the place produced but by the attitude that the humans who were there exuded.