It has been several days since Olivia went missing. A search party had been formed and that did the act of turning all the stones to look for any information that would tail them to find Olivia. The family of hers is grieved much by her absence. The government are also much discouraged by the act of hers. In fact, the government are looking for an opportunity to grab her well ahead of any of her relatives or friends would catch hold of her. Olivia is unmarried and only twenty-seven. She was a very brilliant student in her school as well as college days and stood first in the state level test conducted for the recruitment of prison-guards. Her track-record as a trainee too did confirm her talent. She has been a prison-guard superintendent for three to four years and has been active in her profession. The police do not hold any record of ill-demeanour on her part. Her family has very decent history and is not connected with felony of any kind in the recent past as well as the historic past. Things have been quite muddling as none of the search parties has come out with any clue of her presence. There has been a severe hunt for dead bodies and their identification parade too but with no avail.
Olivia was on duty on that fateful day when all of a sudden a huge conflagration triggered by an electric short circuit engulfed the female ward of the prison that housed nearly one hundred odd convicts. Most of the inmates of the ill-fated quadrangle had been convicted for petty crimes like pick-pocketing, jay-walking, causing public nuisance as some of them exposed their private parts publicly and so on and so forth. The keys of the ward were with Olivia but was not the permission to open the lock . She contacted the chief of the Prison Control, who was out of town and was an incommunicado as he was holidaying in a resort. All these delaying features were on as the fire was ravaging the ward and singeing their physique. Olivia could do nothing as the singeing turned charring and obliterated the prison-mates. She was a mute-spectator (rather a hollering-spectator) of the event. That night she went missing. The whereabouts are not yet known.
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