I was on a bus. I was dreamy, sullen and worn over. I could not be a standee. I looked for a seat and found myself wedging between two pudgy humans. They tried to squeeze me out of my already spent spirit. The whirring began and the bus jolted to proceed. The thudding of the gear-lever organised the pack of humans that cringed into seats. A fresh not cold breeze wafted the receding locks on the crania. My senses succumbed to the breeze and began to withdraw to coldness. I suddenly noticed a worm climbing on to the pantaloons of mine with extraordinary energy and life. I floundered for a moment and was about to swat it. Something in me stopped that and i was just allowing it to cross over to my bag and find another long iron rail to continue its cat-walk. I slipped to a jerky siesta. I forgot about the worm. As I had woken up to a cranky shriek, i found the same worm on its spirited enterprise of climbing onto my pantaloons once again. The undeterred voyage made me think about its goal. I thought it was searching for its abode, that i still think, is a leaf. Where could it find a leaf on a bus? The thought shuddered me. On the other hand, the worm had not given up, not defeated and was full of energy on its pursuit. As a human with a greater level of intelligence, i could say that the search was unfructifying. The worm was too dull to comprehend my prescience. A thought struck me at that moment. I considered myself a worm and was in a desperate search for my goal. I often got defeated and felt annoyed as i could not get through something successfully. I never comprehended the ideology behind one's success and failure. The worm taught me that i was too dull to comprehend that. It also taught me that like a human who watched the desperate attempt of the worm, there could be a super-intelligent personality, who knew everything, for some, in fact many, that being was God.
Dear Mr. Bala,
ReplyDeleteThat was nice. If not for the cranky shriek, your jerky siesta should have been very rythmic. I don't know if the worm had any idea about where it was supposed to go whether a fresh leaf or an iron bar, we humans I think aspire for so many things, set up goals and of course fail miserably because for us failure is something which happens when we don't get what we want. It is all what we create for ourselves! just think about those beautiful things life has given us and we have not cared a bit about in our serious pursuit towards these so called stupid goals, achievements etc!
Thanks madam for your valuable comments. And thanks for following the blog.
ReplyDeleteyou should have picked it up and thrown it out of the bus in a leafy area. Then God would have thrown you in midst of eligible girlzzzz!
ReplyDeleteDear Raji, Is it a kind of curse on me?